Passion for understanding the market and human mind lead us from Enterprise Software Development to the realm of Trading. Having a statistically proven trading system is one aspect of trading. Other major component is tackling the inner deamons of fear and greed.
We have extensive experience in both aspects of trading, not from reading books and attending weekend seminars But by live trading markets, and by focusing on learning and improving with each and every trade.
Emotions are the ebb and flow of life. They cause a problem when you loose control over them. Learning to manage them is a key aspect of trading.
Who Am I?. What is my Purpose ?. Asking these questions and searching for answers will take the narrow focus out of what you do for a living or survival and provide a broader perspective and meaning to your actions. Our investment and trading goals are tied to our purpose which is rooted in serving and helping one in need.
Trading is the window to Self Mastery, Self Improvement and Self Realization. If one is determined to proceed in the spiritual path, there is no other profession to iron out and address your inner daemons. Unlike other professions where people tend to ignore or hide such issues, Trading will force the trader to address them head on.
One who succeed in trading will eventually master the market and most importantly master self. Our philosophy in trading is rooted in the mastery of self.
We are proud of our company, not only for its unqiue identity, but because of the people that drive it! Listed here are the most seasoned members of the Darbci Inc team.
Rahul Gopi has extensive experience in building Enterprise Class software solutions for companies like Cisco, Nortel and Nokia in the past. His passion for markets and understanding human psychology in trading lead him to the realm of trading. He specializes in trading and developing strategies using Market and Volume Profile and Market Internals. His primary focus is Index Futures, Gold and 10 Year TBonds.